Sorry for the slow week! The twins have been sick, and work has been hopping. Normally our e-commerce business slows down significantly in January/February, however I added some additional product lines last year and that seems to have filled the gap. I had planned to play Sune’s Goons vs. the Night Below warband (name forthcoming!) on Friday, but the afternoon got away from me and my wife needed early reinforcements for the poor bebbies.
We’re also in the process of buying a new house. My goal is to get a house and piece of land where I can build a new warehouse for the business. I’m currently operating out of a small warehouse of about 2800 square feet, with offices taking up about 500 of that. We’re pretty limited in where we can go from here in terms of adding new products (not that I currently have the manpower to do much more than we’re doing). So we found a perfect house and property…it has 5 acres, about 3 of which are perfectly flat to fit a 10,000 square foot warehouse and a driveway turnaround for tractor trailers.
My plan is to take about 2000-2500 square feet of the warehouse and create an awesome gaming/recreation space, for both my family and the small town we’re moving to. I’d love to host D&D groups, bridge clubs, board gamers or whoever else might want to take advantage of it. I picture stands or cases around the outside of the room to house the different sets of D&D miniatures, a big bookshelf for our boardgames (which is currently very modest, but with some space I’d definitely expand the collection), a big screen TV to watch Twitch streams or the League of Legends LCS series, and a bunch of couches to entice my gaming group to drive in for the weekend and know they’ll have some place to crash. It would also be a perfect spot to home school the kiddo’s and be a classroom for any other similarly minded folks.
At least that’s the dream! My wife and I are pretty frugal and try to pay cash for everything we do (other than our mortgages), so a project like that is probably most of our cash flow for a couple of years at least. However, as I hope it’s the last place I’ll ever need to move to, I’m going to do my darnedest to make it the grooviest place I can to raise and hang out with my family.
Speaking of which, I have to go try to get on the docket for the zoning board where we’re moving to see if they’ll even allow us to build there! I’ll definitely try to get the next skirmish done this week and post the results. I think both warbands are pretty even and its a challenge to predict, but I call it 200-175 in favor of Sune’s Goons. I think the match will be all about whether team Underdark can put out enough damage fast enough to kill the Blood Golem and still have enough to mop up!