If you’re interested in selling your collection quickly and easily, whether large or small, you can sell it to me. I pay immediately upon receipt of your shipment.
Please note, the way to make the absolute most of your collection is to put up individual listings on eBay, and I would be glad to walk you through that if you need any advice…however as many know, for a large collection that can mean 100 or more hours of labor making listings, taking pictures, shipping orders, dealing with returns, etc. However, if you just want a good sized check and to get them out of your house, I’m your guy.
Auction Hints: When you look up your favorite mini on eBay and you see ‘Wow, that’s worth $22.99!’, make sure you check the ‘completed item’ filter on the left hand side of the screen. Most large eBay dealers will list their items well above market value in the hopes of getting a ‘desperation buyer’…the guy who HAS TO HAVE THAT MINI BEFORE SATURDAYS GAME! When you check the ‘completed item’ filter, you may that find that same mini actually sold the last 3 times for $9.69…which is the minis real value. Plus, remember that the guy who sold one for $9.69 now has to pay $1.93 for shipping (the minimum first class price for a small parcel) and $1.45 in Paypal and eBay fees. His take home on that item is $6.31. If you click on the link it should bring up ‘D&D Miniatures completed listings’. Any item you see that doesn’t have a green price did not sell. Nowadays, most items do not sell because folks put high prices on them; just glancing through them today it looks like 60% of all D&D mini listings didn’t sell.
All that said, you will get a fair deal from me, better than what you could get from eBay in bulk (especially considering fees and shipping of individual minis), and better than what you would get from any online store’s buy list, and definitely quicker and easier.
If you like, feel free to send me a list of your collection at tobias.truman@gmail.com, or even just some good pictures and a miniature count, and I will send an offer.